Monday, January 7, 2013


So my last post was about how great and perfect Camden is.

This one will be different. 

We had some friends over the other day that have been deciding if they are ready to have a child. Ryan was talking to them about the joys of parenthood and how fun babies can be. Cam was on her best behavior and was being very sweet, and if I were in their position, seeing her would definitely make me want to have a baby!

I mean, she's so cute.

Even with a child as good as Camden, not everyday in the Benedict house is full of rainbows and cookies.

In fact, there have been some pretty big disasters over here.

A few days ago, Cam and I were home alone and I put her down for a nap in just a diaper.


I've mentioned earlier that Camden is potty trained. Mostly. I've also mentioned that she's great about laying herself down to take a nap.

Well. I'm not sure if she never went to sleep or if she woke up early and was bored. 


She pooped. 

She pooped a lot. 

She pooped in her diaper. 

And then she took her diaper off. 

And then she played in it. 

Jump in for a picture of the destruction, but I warn you, this is not for the squeamish. If you don't want to see some beautiful poop art, don't continue reading! 

All. of. the. walls. in. her. room. looked. like. this. 

This is her turtle light, it project(ed)s starts. 

She had slept with that every night since getting her big girl bed, and I wasn't about to ruin the easy streak of getting her to go to bed at night. My mom had to stop at Target on the way down to visit to pick her up a new one. I tried to save that one, but the poop was caked into every star hole and there was no way to separate the plastic from the stuffed animal. 


You don't even want to know what the carpet looked like. 

She was being so quiet! I don't even understand how you can do that much damage so quietly.

After a pretty serious bath, we got down to business. I gave her a rag and she helped me clean. 

It took almost two hours to get rid of the evidence, but at the end of it was a good laugh and some good blackmail photos for later in life. 

Here is my proof to everyone that thinks Cam is an angel that she can be a weenie, too!


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