She just turned TWO! What a big girl.
Last night, my mom and Camden were riding double on a very small ride-along horse in Cam's playroom, and the thought occurred to me that I'm letting all of these amazing, funny, beautiful moments slip by. Sure, I hope to remember them, but my poor brain is so full of school psychology and stress that I know I'm going to forget so many things about when Cambo was little.
So I thought, let's document it.
This is Camden.
Precious, right?
She got a big girl bed for her second birthday, and now at night (and naptime) she comes and gets me to say "Momma, bed." We go to her bed, set up her turtle light, tuck in her dinosaur, her babydoll, and her simba, and she says "kiss momma." After a goodnight kiss, she usually tells me (without asking) "I love you, I promise."
The other day she had a playdate over and mid-play she actually asked me if she could go to bed to take a nap. Crazy!
She has also slept through the night since we brought her home. We had to wake her up to feed her as a baby.
But she isn't lazy! She's a fireball of energy, and she loves to climb onto things and jump off them.
Currently she is:
24 pounds
90th percentile for height
blue-eyed (I say currently because Ryan and I both have green eyes, so although they might really be blue for good, they could still go green)
Currently she loves:
her stuffed Kawasaki dinosaur
sitting on our dog Cujo
singing her ABC's - she gets through all of the letters, then says "now I E B E B C."
singing Jingle Bells - especially the HEY!
singing Happy Birthday to everybody
helping momma do her makeup
helping daddy and his buddies "fix it" with screwdrivers
riding her electric motorcycle
eating! especially cheese, hot dogs ("dot dogs"), chicken, chocolate ("chocwate"), pasta ("pasha"), and her favorite..grapes ("gwapes").
She also loves her grandparents and asks to spend time with them constantly.
Yesterday, she kept telling us "Papa fall down MOUNTAIN! Papa boo boo. Papa hurt! Papa fall down MOUNTAIN!"
It actually started to be weird, we had to call her Papa and make sure he hadn't fallen down a mountain!
She is also potty trained - inside our house. We haven't quite figured out outside of our house yet, but I know that she will get there when she's ready.
She also wants to wear her cowgirl boots everywhere we go!
She's a really well behaved child. We can take her out to restaurants, she's even been to school with me and sat through classes on two separate occasions. She's incredibly smart, and she's always looking out for people. If there's any sign someone is sad or has a booboo, she says "Okay, momma?" or whoever. Then she gives you a big ole kiss!
I'm not saying this to brag about her. I honestly don't know how we were blessed with this amazing little child. People tell us all the time that they would love to watch her or have a baby like her, and it's just a crazy feeling being so fortunate to have this sweet little wonderball in our lives.
Ryan and I have both said we don't want to have another baby because Cam is so well behaved that we wouldn't know how to handle any other baby, hah.
Just for the record.. she is completely capable of being a weenie every once in awhile! Usually as long as she gets her nap, she's okay.
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